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Aisling O'Connor Memorial Event

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 7:34 pm
by Peter_Walsh
I am writing this post in relation to the upcoming anniversary of our friend and past club member Aisling O'Connor this Thursday, November 4th.

It is going to be a tough and emotional time for a lot of people in the club and I wanted to inform you all so that all club members are at an equal understanding, especially as all our new freshers are starting to become a part of our ULKC family. I would appreciate your support as we remember our friend Aisling over the coming few days.

ULKC Big Surprise - Thursday, November 4th
The ULKC Big Surprise is scheduled to go ahead on November 4th, coinciding with Aisling's anniversary.
The reasoning behind this scheduling is that Aisling brought an unrivalled level of energy and enthusiasm into the club during her time and we felt that it would be good to arrange an event in which we, as a club, could do together. It is a tough time of year for people and we wanted to provide the opportunity for people to be together if they wished.

After the Big Surprise activities have finished, we have tables booked in the Stables Club for 8:30pm. The invite is open to anyone who would like to come along and we can have some drinks and chats in Aisling's memory.

Remembrance Mass - Thursday, November 4th
The University chaplain, Fr. John Campion, will be remembering Aisling at a prayer service in the Contemplative Centre located in the Student Courtyard on Thursday at 1.10pm.

Memorial Paddle - Saturday, November 6th
In honour of the memory of our dear friend, we're inviting you all to join us for a relaxed paddle outback (Aisling's favourite place to kayak) or to support us from the riverbank for a memorial gathering on Saturday, 6th November. We will be meeting at the boathouse at 11am for a short outback session and refreshments.

We have arranged for temporary membership to give anyone who is not currently a club member but would like to paddle with us on the day the chance to join in. This temporary membership will be at a cost €1. We would kindly ask that anyone who has their own personal boat and kayaking gear to please bring and use it as we expect the available club gear will be stretched. We have also been asked that people use the West Car Park (the big one just before the boathouse) to avoid congestion on the day. To ensure that there is enough gear for everyone and for Covid compliance & contact tracing reasons we would ask you to please RSVP using the Google form linked here:

When: 11:30 am on the 6th November 2021
Where: University of Limerick Boathouse

If anyone is unsure of anything or has any questions please don't hesitate to contact myself or any other committee member.

No one should feel obligated to attend any club event or activity. We all experience and process things differently and I strongly encourage members to take the time they need to deal with this difficult time of year as healthily as possible. Support services are available to every club member and should anyone wish to discreetly avail of these services, you can contact myself, the committee or any of the following directly:
  • UL Éist - Counselling Service
  • Chaplaincy Service
  • Student Health Centre
  • Student Welfare Officer
  • Student Academic Officer
  • Student President
Le meas/With respect,
Peter Walsh
UL Kayak