Why Do You Paddle?

Stuff that isn't involving getting wet here (nights out, fundraising etc)
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rhonacrowley wrote: climbed through the waist part of my spraydeck leaving that behind on the kayak,

How???? :? :?
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PatrickBrennan wrote:
rhonacrowley wrote: climbed through the waist part of my spraydeck leaving that behind on the kayak,

How???? :? :?
I Imagine it was a bit like this ...
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Just because everyone's looking for some procrastination at the moment - BUMP!
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Wrote this last week. Soppy post incoming.

I joined ULKC at the week 1 recruitment drive as an eager first year. I came in as a former choir kid eager to try something new and make friends. Within a month I got my roll and I was hooked.

Growing up near the coast, I always had a love and respect for the water. For me kayaking brings a sense of control to an entity of absolute chaos. Kayaking combines everything I could ever ask for in a sport: the outdoors, teamwork, physical challenges, more technique than you could ever master, a hint of competitiveness and that sweet adrenaline kick that we're all addicted to. I don't think I can recall a day where I regretted getting on the river, whether that be outback, glens or in a duo on the Egua...

The club's people are something different however. For the most part kayakers are a pretty sound bunch. Just take a look at the crowd at Galway Fest or the Soca River Knight race. I'd also say that UL clubs and Socs are for the most part pretty sound too. But in my greatly biased opinion I'd say that ULKC top both. From my first day in the club over four years ago ULKC has been the greatest, strangest and most welcoming groups I've come across. While some clubs try to focus on training and aren't that into the session, others might prioritize the session over getting an early lap in. ULKC magically decide that both are equally important, which means that even though we agreed to get up early and run loadsa rivers, there's always time for wrestling some newly made friends after sharing rum or skinny dipping in the Atlantic at the end of September.

To answer the question of why do I Paddle I have two main reasons.

1. I've found the best sport ever conceived and nobody can convince me otherwise

2. I hit the jackpot in that I got to hang around with a great array of fun, brave, different and caring individuals for the past 4 years.
I think what you're trying to say is "Why aren't I wearing a jumper?"
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