Uninteresting Read

Stuff that isn't involving getting wet here (nights out, fundraising etc)
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I've got alot to say for myself
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While Bekey came up with quite an interesting and thought provoking article regarding our philosophy surrounding how we define success, I've come up with the exact opposite. A trite and predicable piece that although doesn't contain badinformation per say, you'll probably give up on before you reach the end ...

But someone probably put time and effort into thinking this out and may even have been happy with the outcome, so it bares (bears? :shock: ) the question; can anyone philosophize?

A lot of truth is said in jest.....
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Na na na na na na Nash Nash
Posts: 154
Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:51 pm

I actually read that article a couple of days ago, I think the information in the article isn't bad. But I don't think there are easy ways to get good at anything. While everyone can philosophize, not everyone can do it well! You can publish anything theses days, outrage, mutter mutter.
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