Paddle Tuesday/Wenesday

Everything trip related goes here, everything related to on-the-water stuff.

Moderator: Rian O Connell

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Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:39 pm

Hey Lads,

A former member of ULKC here, back from Canada. I was just reaching out to see if anyone was around to paddle either tomorrow or Wednesday. I've been kayaking since 2006 and I know the runs very well, I've all the gear I need home with me, though I just need a boat.

Probably unlikely the glens are in, but I'd love to get on them if they were, or the CC, or Gower. You'd make an OFB very happy if I could get out with ye.

I'm on WhatsApp: +12509466074

Or message me on Instagram:
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