Club Champs Marathon Training Weekend

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Moderator: Rian O Connell

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Here's all the info about this weekend's training event:
Hey guys!

So our next Training weekend is fast approaching - This weekend will be revolving around the skills needed to get those tippy boats moving as fast as possible! Yes, it is our Marathon & Sprint Training Weekend this weekend (29th & 30th March)! We've left the most unstable boats for last in the hopes that we'll benefit from so good weather cause this could be a wet weekend depending on how good your balance is!

This is the last of our competition specific training weekends as part of the Club Champs Initiative and should be a very enjoyable weekend all round. Centering around the techniques required for keeping marathon & sprint boats moving, this weekend will involve working on your balance, core strength as well as getting the perfect technique to get the most out of your stroke.

As usual the weekend will kick off at 10am with a location to be confirmed later on in the week!
However, we'll be kicking things off at Kilkenny Aqua Canoe Club so that'll be out starting point anyway.
For anybody not in the know, Link below for a map for Kilkenny Aqua: ... VnF6J0B9rQ

Please find the required application form attached which must be in by midnight on Wednesday (March 26th).

All the best,
Usual story, let me know if you want to go!
Phone: 0876637836. Facebook:!/eoin.keyes.3

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